Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Every Dollar Ap for iPhone

"Budget for the Win!"
"EveryDollar is free budget software accessible from your computer and iPhone. It is based on a proven plan that's helped millions of people get out of debt and save. You'll soon find money you didn't know you had. Take control with an EveryDollar budget and start living!

Stuff You’ll Love:
  • No more pen, paper, spreadsheets or boring budgeting software!
  • Budget from your computer or iPhone app
  • Create your first budget in 10 minutes
  • Add and split transactions on the go
  • Quick views for what's planned, spent and remaining
Budget Smarter
With the EveryDollar Guide to Budgeting
The EveryDollar Guide to Budgeting ensures that you have a plan for your money and your future. By following this guide, YOU will get the results you want with your money.
Forget the fancy math and broad generalizations—this guide offers practical budgeting advice you can apply immediately. Receive the guide in your inbox today!"

The advertisement information above was taken directly from the Every Dollar  website. There's a lot of tools out there for your use to budget, track income and expense and save money, and I've used many of them. How does Every Dollar compare? It's tops, in my opinion. 

I've been using the app on line and on my iPhone for some time now and have definitely seen results. The key for me is being able to see exactly where my money is going. Before Every Dollar I used an excel spreadsheet to track my income and expenses, but it was so broad that literally all it did for me is show dates bills are due, when I paid them, and what I had left at the end of the month. Sure, I could have taken the time to build an integrated spreadsheet to track every expense, but it's time consuming and boring. On the other hand, Every Dollar is an easy to use app that I use every day to log every expense whether I buy a coke, groceries or pay an insurance bill. It has helped me to see exactly where my money is going and has given me an opportunity to curtail unnecessary expenses and save money. For instance, I noticed we were spending a crazy amount of money on groceries, so I took the opportunity to review why. It's likely because we shopped whenever we ran out of milk or some other item. Instead of going to the store for milk, we left with $40 or $50 of items we didn't intend to purchase. Some of you know exactly what I'm talking about. Now I plan my trips to the store to get all the items I think I will need for the week and I try to avoid trips to the store in between.

I'm able to look at each category of budgeted expenses and determine other places that I can save without any adverse effects. For instance, I spent a lot on buying coffee in the morning. When I saw it in black and white and realized that I spent over $150 a month on coffee, I was appalled. So I bought an insulated cup and I make coffee at home. On the rare occasion that I purchase coffee at the local quick stop store, I use my cup to purchase a refill at half the price. I love my Starbucks but it comes with a price, so instead of 4-5 stops a week, I now limit myself to once per week, and although it's a small sacrifice, the amount of savings I see in my budget app gives me motivation and satisfaction. And when I do have my Starbucks, it's a treat; something to look forward to. 

Why is Every Dollar better than other apps? I don't know for sure, but I do know that it works for me. If you're trying to save money to get on the road or make a special purchase, or just have peace of mind that you have a savings cushion if you need it, Every Dollar  might be a good app to try. Currently it's only available for iPhone, which works for me, but not everyone. Even if you're an Android user, though, you can get the app on your laptop, tablet or desktop computer. It might be worth a try! 

Best of all.  It's FREE! So, why not give it a try. 
*Note: I have not been paid or received any compensation for this review.

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