Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Waking up in a new place

When I travel and stay in hotels, it is normal to wake in the morning and expect that when I walk outside, I will be in my vacation location. If I've planned a beach vacation, I can expect sand and sea, likely with palm trees dotting the landscape and boats perched upon the horizon. When I travel to a mountain location, I expect that when I look out my window I will see the great purple mountains, majesty towering above the valley. But, as a new full time RVer, I was shocked to realize that I didn't have the same expectation when I opened my RV door. Because I stayed more than a few days, even more than a few weeks in my previous location, I had become accustomed to the scenery outside my door and expected to see the small fishing pond and tall pines in the park. I expected to see the long term neighbors that were there when I went to sleep the previous night.
To my shock, when I opened the RV door in the morning at my new location, the neighbors were gone, the small fishing pond, gone and the tall pines, likewise - gone! In their place were a whole new set of neighbors nestled among the pecan orchard which had replaced the tall pines, and a large lake that had replaced the small fishing pond. The view was surreal and it took a few seconds for my mind to realize that we had moved. This mind trick, I've deduced is related to the interior of the RV.  I've become accustomed to calling my RV my home and things inside don't change much, even when I move the RV to a new location. Because every time I wake up, I see the same thing inside the RV, my mind automatically expects to see the same thing outside. But when I moved the RV, the inside stayed the same, and the outside changed drastically. That is the cause of the surrealism, I assume. I have read and researched a lot about RV living but have never come across this topic, therefore, it was a total surprise to me. It was not a bad feeling, mind you; just a strange feeling. And, really a rather exciting feeling once the realization set in that I was in a new place and a new adventure awaited.

Have any of my readers experienced this sensation? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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