Friday, July 8, 2016

Tragedy in Dallas

Chaos in Dallas last night kept me glued to the television news station. I grew up in the Dallas, Ft. Worth Metroplex, having graduated high school at Boswell H.S. in Saginaw and enlisting in the United States Air Force and stationed for four years at Carswell AFB in Ft. Worth (now Carswell Naval Air Station). I have many friends and family who still live in the area, and my heart is heavy today at the loss of five police officers, working to keep the public safe in the aftermath of protests and uproar over the police officer shootings of two men in Minnesota and my home state of Louisiana.

My thoughts: Today I agree with our President who said last night "there is no possible justification for these types of attacks". That Americans are allowed to peacefully protest is a part of our freedoms and I applaud those who make their voices heard when they believe injustice has been imposed upon them. However, two rights don't make a wrong, and those who decided to ambush officers at the protest last night are nothing more than thugs and despicable excuses for  human beings. I am saddened by the loss of five police officers and offer my prayers to the families of those lost and to the Dallas Police Department as they return the city to order and bring these criminals to justice.

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