Friday, February 12, 2016


I like to make notes. Sticky notes can be found on a lot of my work files. I use a steno pad to make a daily and weekly list. And, I always have a whiteboard in my home to keep track of things like my important to do list (things I can not forget), upcoming birthdays, phone calls I need to make, and my grocery list among other things. Basically it's an "in my face" to do list which I can edit with a dry erase marker and an eraser, or if I'm in a hurry, I can make erasures with a swipe of my fingers.

When I moved into the RV four months ago, my whiteboard didn't come with me because it was permanently secured to my refrigerator in my house. So I purchased a small board with a string for a hanger which I could move around the RV. The problem was there were only two places I could hang it - on the bathroom doorknob which was too often out of sight, so not an acceptable location, or hanging over the remote control for the heater. The latter was the chosen place and it is visible from the main living areas of the RV. Visibility is key because the more I see it, the more I remember the items on the list, and the more likelihood that they will be completed and erased from my to do list.

**TIP: I usually use my cell phone to take a picture of the board each day as I'm leaving the RV so I can have it with me when I'm doing my shopping or errands.

The problem with the replacement whiteboard that I purchased for the RV is its size, measuring just 6" X 8". It's way too small to hold my complete list, and therefore does not adequately meet my needs.

Over the past several months, I've been in search of the perfect whiteboard. It's not this one, but I think I'll keep it for really important reminders since I've become accustomed to its location, and I'm sure to review it several times a day, thus guaranteeing I'll take care of whatever imminent to do item is listed on this board.

Next, I purchased a large whiteboard 18" X 24" which is big enough to contain my large list, but too large for the RV. It's bulky and ugly if left in the living area, so I have a habit of tucking it under the desk where it's mostly out of view, which defeats the purpose

I've known for some time that I need to replace it, but have not found its replacement until today. I thought I found a replacement a few weeks back when I was at the fabric store. I saw a chalk board decal that I could hang inside a cabinet or on a door, and thought I would hang in on the sliding bedroom door or the bathroom door. I purchased it and got it home, but found out that it was a permanent decal and would be difficult to remove without dealing with a lot of tape residue. Rather than take it back, I gave it to my daughter who hung it inside her kitchen cabinet door and uses it. In hindsight, I'm glad it didn't work out because I'm not sure I would have liked the chalk. 

So my quest continued. 

Today I was at Home Depot purchasing some door trim; this item will be the subject of a future post. I walked through the window treatment aisle and my eyes briefly caught a display of WALL POPS decals. I've always been a fan of this wall art since the designs are aesthetically pleasing and there's a large selection to complement any decor, so I paused to peruse the display. A bright red decal caught my eye, and when I saw it, I knew I had found my new whiteboard. Since it was big enough to be a visible reminder of my to do list and cute enough to fit into the RV decor, I checked the price, $19.95. Yep, it went in my basket and off to the checkout counter I went.

I couldn't wait to get back to the RV and hang the decal. I had two options of a display area, the bathroom door or the sliding pocket door to the bedroom. Since I don't often pull out the pocket door, it really wasn't an option unless I wanted to start using it all of the time. So, I went with the bathroom door. I know, I said earlier that it was not a good place for the whiteboard. But, what I meant was it is not a good place for the 6" X 8" whiteboard. Because this one is so large, approximately 20" X 46" it would work. Additionally, when I said it wasn't a good place for hanging the whiteboard it's because at the time I kept the bathroom door closed most of the time. And, with it closed, the whiteboard is not very visible. But, since then, I've found that I like to keep that door open most of the time. One reason is that it opens across the stairs to the bedroom so it looks like a door is closing off that room. I like to have that appearance but the only other way to do that is open the pocket door, which I hate to do - it is very difficult to reach your fingers in the slot and slide the door - just not a good design; another reason not to hang the new whiteboard there.

**TIP: Another reason I like to keep the bathroom door open is that there is no heat in there, and when you wake up in the middle of the night or early morning to use the facilities, the small toilet room is freezing cold. With the door open, the heat from the bedroom gets into the toilet room.

(Note: My RV has a separate shower, toilet room and sink area attached to the upper bedroom.)

The Wall Art is a nice addition to my decor and has solved a problem; it weighs almost nothing, and was not cost prohibitive, all factors to consider when adding something to the RV.  

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